In the eveninig...
In the eveninig, my letters better fit
In the eveninig, future doesn't shit
In the eveninig, I can dream like other days
In the eveninig, I can love in different ways
Cause evening, the best, seems to be
Cause evening ends, so fast, like me
but after night shall be the day
like the sun when there was rain...
In the eveninig, I try to write for You
In the eveninig, the booze can kill what's true
In the eveninig, tears are inevitable
In the eveninig, just like the sun is invisible
Cause evening, the best, seems to be
Cause evening ends, so fast, like me
but after night shall be the day
like the sun when there was rain...
In the eveninig, I sometimes walk the park
In the eveninig, I'm with someone when it's dark
In the eveninig, with warmth in every way
In the eveninig, good time to pass away...
Cause evening, the best, seems to be
Cause evening ends, so fast, like me
but after night shall be the day
like the sun when there was rain...