Your Decision
Ok Vicks, uprosiłaś. Może faktycznie trochę za często to leci (3x dziennie to dużo?) Pozwolisz jednak, że zamieszczę bez tekstu. Jest ciut nijaki i nie wiem czy do końca się wkomponuje tutaj. No chyba że po angielsku. Tak bardzo mi przypomina "Nutshell" a ja po prostu tesknie za takimi utworami. Póki co to jeden z najlepszych utworów minionego roku. Bez Lyle'a to już jednak nie to...
Time to change has come and gone
Watched your fears become your God
It's your decision
Overwhelmed, you chose to run
Apathetic to the stunned
It's your decision
You feed the fire that burned us all
When you lied
To feel the pain that spurs you on
Black inside
No one plans to take the path that brings you lower
And here you stand before us all and say it's over
It's over
It might seem an afterthought
Yes it hurts to know you're bought
It's your decision
You feed the fire that burned us all
When you lied
To feel the pain that spurs you on
Black inside
It's your decision
No one plans to take the path that brings you lower
And here you stand before us all and say it's over
It's over